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GACH Viet Tea House

GACH Viet Tea House

4910.9 miVietnamitaOpciones saludablesCafé y téInformación

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510 Southwest Mill Street, 105


Miér 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


    Viet Nam's Central Highlands have always been the pinnacle birthplace of the world's most renowned beverages, coffee and tea. Encapped in an almost year-round mildly frosted air above the soil endowed with nutrients and veined by natural mountain waters, Lam Dong is one of the regions that produce and export the most premium tea in Viet Nam. Only the earthiest tea is grown, harvested, and processed by the hands of the locals with decades of experience. Here at Gach, our mission is to advocate to the world that Vietnamese tea packs more than enough power to take over the throne from the world's highest regarded loose leaf tea.

    From the sense-tickling aroma to the unwavering flavors, Robusta coffee is what cemented Viet Nam on the global map as the second largest coffee exporter in the world, trailing Brazil by a fractional margin. While millions of beans that single-handedly turned that brand into a synonymous household name, the iced coffee with condensed milk, or simply, Ca-phe Sua Da. As the favorite child of every ca-phe's menu in Viet Nam, Ca-phe Sua Da is almost always followed by its signature siblings, Ca-phe Da, or iced coffee, to be served with or without sugar; and Bac Xiu, or white coffee, which often indicate the perfect balance between the milk and the robusta. Thus, it's a cultural obligation that our coffee menu offers exclusively these three renditions, and we let you decide which one is your favorite.
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