(lost)二鍋 ATT筷食尚桃園店
No. 47, Zhongzheng Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 330
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午11:30 - 下午8:00
人氣精選 Popular Items
- 韓風部隊鍋 Korean Budae Jjigae含起司片, 韓國拉麵, 年糕及魚板。附白飯, 醬料, 雞蛋及菜盤。餐點為生食, 須自行烹煮, 若需熟食, 請備註。消費滿500元, 即贈鮮蔬菜盤乙盤。豬肉產地為台灣。
- 川味麻辣鍋 Sichuan Hot and Spicy Pot含豆腐, 鴨血及油條。附白飯, 醬料, 雞蛋及菜盤。以上餐點為生食, 須自行烹煮, 若需熟食, 請備註。消費滿500元, 即贈鮮蔬菜盤乙盤。豬肉產地為台灣。
- 蔬果豚骨鍋 Pork Broth Pot with Vegetable and Fruit餐點為生食, 須自行烹煮, 若需熟食, 請備註。消費滿500元, 即贈鮮蔬菜盤乙盤。豬肉產地為台灣。
- 起司牛奶鍋 Cheese Milk Pot含起司片及洋蔥。附白飯, 醬料, 雞蛋及菜盤。以上餐點為生食, 須自行烹煮, 若需熟食, 請備註。消費滿500元, 即贈鮮蔬菜盤乙盤。豬肉產地為台灣。
- 壽喜燒風味鍋 Sukiyaki Pot附白飯, 醬料, 雞蛋及菜盤。餐點為生食, 須自行烹煮, 若需熟食, 請備註。消費滿500元, 即贈鮮蔬菜盤乙盤。豬肉產地為台灣。
精選鍋物 Selected Pot
- 北海道昆布鍋 Hokkaido Kombu Pot附白飯, 醬料, 雞蛋及菜盤。餐點為生食, 須自行烹煮, 若需熟食, 請備註。消費滿500元, 即贈鮮蔬菜盤乙盤。
肉品單點 Meat
- 美國上選牛五花 Premium American Beef Flake牛肉產地為美國。
- 梅花豬肉片 Sliced Pork Blade Shoulder豬肉產地加拿大。
- 去骨雞腿肉 Boneless Chicken Drumstick
- 板腱牛 Top Blade牛肉產地為美國。
- 紐澳霜降牛 New Zealand Marbled Beef牛肉產地為紐澳。
- 美國choice嫩肩牛 American Choise Top Blade牛肉產地為美國。
- 美國chioce雪花牛 American Choise Marbled Beef牛肉產地為美國。
當季鮮蔬單點 Seasanol Vegetable
- 高麗菜 Cabbage
- 大陸妹 Fushan Lettuce
- 大白菜 Nappa Cabbage
- 蚵白菜 Chinese Cabbage
- 木耳 Fungus
- 玉米 Corn
- 芋頭 Taro
火鍋料單點 Hot Pot Ingredients
海鮮 Seafood
附餐 Side Meal
Can I order (lost)二鍋 ATT筷食尚桃園店 delivery on Uber Eats?
(lost)二鍋 ATT筷食尚桃園店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to (lost)二鍋 ATT筷食尚桃園店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 桃園.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 桃園 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.