兩餐年糕火鍋 重慶家樂福店
No. 171, Section 2, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午11:00 - 下午8:30
主餐 Main Course
- 韓式炒年糕 (1~2人份) Stir-Fried Korean Rice Cake韓式炒年糕, 各類年糕, 魚板, 火鍋料, 蔬菜及道地韓式醬。
- 韓流炒年糕(1人份)內含:高湯、年糕、高麗菜、青江菜、洋蔥、上天脆皮甜不辣、花枝丸、蛋、百頁豆腐、鑫鑫腸 、餃子、起士| 韓流醬 |
- 炸醬炒年糕 (1~2人份) Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Soybean Paste炸醬炒年糕, 各類年糕, 魚板, 火鍋料, 蔬菜及道地韓式醬。
- 奶油炒年糕 (1~2人份)Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Cream
- 奶油炒年糕(1人份)內含:高湯、年糕、高麗菜、青江菜、洋蔥、上天脆皮甜不辣、花枝丸、蛋、百頁豆腐、鑫鑫腸( 天使白醬 )
- 炸醬炒年糕(1人份)內含:高湯、年糕、高麗菜、青江菜、洋蔥、上天脆皮甜不辣、花枝丸、蛋、百頁豆腐、鑫鑫腸 、餃子、起士( 韓流醬 、宮廷醬、炸醬 )
副餐 Side Dish
- 魚板湯 Fish Patty Soup道地韓式魚板及白蘿蔔。
- 雙拼炸雞 Double Assorted Deep-Fried Chicken原味雞肉及雞肉。配上韓式炸雞醬。
- 原味雞塊 Original Chicken Nugget雞肉。
- 醬拌炸雞 Deep-Fried Chicken with Sauce雞肉。配上韓式炸雞醬 。
- 牛奶炸雞 Deep-Fried Chicken with Milk
- 炸物套餐 Deep-Fried Food Combo薯條, 餃子, 韓式海苔及原味炸雞。
套餐 Combo
- 醬拌炸雞及韓式炒年糕套餐組合 Deep-Fried Chicken with Sauce and Stir-Fried Korean Rice Cake Combo
- 炸雞及炸醬炒年糕套餐組合 Deep-Fried Chicken and Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Soybean Paste Combo
- 炸雞及韓式炒年糕套餐組合 Deep-Fried Chicken and Stir-Fried Korean Rice Cake Combo
- 醬拌炸雞及炸醬炒年糕套餐組合 Deep-Fried Chicken with Sauce and Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Soybean Paste Combo
- 原味炸雞及奶油炒年糕套餐 Original Deep-Fried Chicken and Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Cream Combo
- 韓式炒年糕及魚板湯套餐組合 Stir-Fried Korean Rice Cake and Fish Patty Soup Combo
- 炸醬炒年糕及魚板湯套餐組合 Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Soybean Paste and Fish Patty Soup Combo
- 醬拌炸雞及奶油炒年糕套餐 Deep-Fried Chicken with Sauce and Stir-Fried Rice Cake with Cream Combo
飲料 Beverage
Can I order 兩餐年糕火鍋 重慶家樂福店 delivery on Uber Eats?
兩餐年糕火鍋 重慶家樂福店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 兩餐年糕火鍋 重慶家樂福店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
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Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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