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2269 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd

Located in Central Harlem, Manhattan, this French restaurant boasts a perfect customer rating. Guests frequently indulge in dishes like sautéed salmon and various chef specials, including gambas and a unique aj... More
Located in Central Harlem, Manhattan, this French restaurant boasts a perfect customer rating. Guests frequently indulge in dishes like sautéed salmon and various chef specials, including gambas and a unique ajillo dish. The menu also features a delightful range of sweets such as profiteroles and chocolate soufflé, alongside heartier options like French onion soup and macaroni and cheese. Popular items among Uber Eats users include the chef's special gambas and sautéed salmon, often ordered together for a fulfilling meal. Less
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Every Day

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Dinner Menu

4:30 PM – 9:30 PM
