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4.7 xStar (2,000+)GermanBurgersSandwichesAmericanFamily Friendly$Info

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516 Jersey Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA

Würstbar is a burger restaurant located in Jersey City, known for its evening crowd. The establishment offers a variety of American comfort foods with a focus on gourmet burgers, such as the Haus Burger and the... More
Würstbar is a burger restaurant located in Jersey City, known for its evening crowd. The establishment offers a variety of American comfort foods with a focus on gourmet burgers, such as the Haus Burger and the Rodeo Burger, and unique fries options like Haus Cut Fries and Truffle Loaded Fries. Other menu highlights include a selection of sausages and hot dogs, as well as hearty plates like the Wurst Plate. Popular dishes among patrons include the Haus Cut Fries, the Uh Huh Honey fried chicken sandwich, and the Wurst Plate, with Haus Cut Fries and the Haus Burger often ordered together. Less
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Sunday - Thursday

12:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Friday - Saturday

12:00 PM - 11:00 PM


12:00 PM – 10:00 PM
