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Tian Chinese

Tian Chinese


5900 Centreville Crest Lane

Located in Centreville, this Korean restaurant boasts a high customer rating of 4.6 and is a favored spot for evening dining. The menu features a mix of Korean and Chinese dishes, with popular items including S... More
Located in Centreville, this Korean restaurant boasts a high customer rating of 4.6 and is a favored spot for evening dining. The menu features a mix of Korean and Chinese dishes, with popular items including Samson Champpong, a spicy seafood noodle soup, and Galbitang, a hearty beef rib soup. Other favorites among patrons are Mackerel served with Steamed Egg and Tangsuyuk, a crispy, sweet and sour pork dish. The restaurant also offers a variety of sides such as Kimchi and Radish Kimchi. Less
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10:00 AM - 7:30 PM


10:00 AM – 7:30 PM
