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Location and hours

2916 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA 70506
Sunday - Thursday
10:30 AM - 11:00 PM
Friday - Saturday
10:30 AM - 11:59 PM

The Peach Cobbler Factory (Lafayette)

BakeryIce Cream and Frozen YogurtDesserts$$Info

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The Peach Cobbler Factory in Lafayette is a well-rated yogurt store and one of the most popular spots in the city on Uber Eats. The store is particularly busy in the evening, and customers often order the Desse... More
The Peach Cobbler Factory in Lafayette is a well-rated yogurt store and one of the most popular spots in the city on Uber Eats. The store is particularly busy in the evening, and customers often order the Dessert Flight, Peach Cobbler, and Classic Pudding. Classic Pudding and Dessert Flight are commonly ordered together. Less
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Rating and reviews

"Delivered right on time. The blackberry cobbler was the best one I've ever had and the cinnamon roll was the thickest! They even added a free scoop of ice cream on the side."

 • Dahlia V. • 03/02/24

"Their deserts are amazing and to be able to get a little sample package- it helps the decision making - you literally can get a little of each one you want!"

 • Sara W. • 08/23/23
Sunday - Thursday

10:30 AM - 11:00 PM

Friday - Saturday

10:30 AM - 11:59 PM

Peach Cobbler Factory

10:30 AM – 11:00 PM
