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Taqueria Los Mayas

Taqueria Los Mayas

4.7 xStar (2,000+)MexicanTacosBurritosYucatecanAlcohol$$Info

xClock Available at 11:00 AM

Taqueria Los Mayas, nestled in the Inner Richmond neighborhood of San Francisco, serves a variety of traditional Mexican dishes. Popular menu items include the Super Burrito and the Taco Trio, which consists of... More
Taqueria Los Mayas, nestled in the Inner Richmond neighborhood of San Francisco, serves a variety of traditional Mexican dishes. Popular menu items include the Super Burrito and the Taco Trio, which consists of any three tacos for $15. The restaurant also offers an array of burritos, quesadillas, and ceviches, providing a taste of Mexico's rich culinary heritage. Guests often enjoy pairing their meal with chips, a top choice among common orders. With a customer rating of 4.2, Taqueria Los Mayas is a favored spot for Mexican cuisine enthusiasts, particularly during the evening. Less
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Sunday - Thursday

11:00 AM - 8:30 PM • Menu


11:00 AM - 9:30 PM • Friday Specials

11:00 AM - 9:30 PM • Menu


11:00 AM - 9:30 PM • Menu
