Taco & Burrito Express in Mundelein offers a traditional Mexican dining experience, popular during the evening. The menu features a variety of Mexican favorites, including steak tacos, king burritos, and a sele... More
Taco & Burrito Express in Mundelein offers a traditional Mexican dining experience, popular during the evening. The menu features a variety of Mexican favorites, including steak tacos, king burritos, and a selection of tortas like steak and chorizo. Breakfast options such as chilaquiles and huevos con chorizo are also available, alongside a range of quesadillas and tostadas. Popular items among patrons include the Steak Taco, King Burrito, Chips with Salsa, and the refreshing Horchata, with Taco Dinner and Horchata often ordered together. Less
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Rating and reviews
410+ Ratings
"All their food is always so fresh and delicious. Authentic Mexican food 100%. Always on time, warm, and yummy."
• Mariana G. • 01/22/24
"One of the best Mexican restaurants in the area!"
All their food is always so fresh and delicious. Authentic Mexican food 100%. Always on time, warm, and yummy.
Karl B.
• 12/18/23
The best
Laura L.
• 12/14/23
Good food!
Dee Ann E.
• 10/21/23
Ivory J.
• 08/18/23
Michael M.
• 06/15/23
always excellent
Michael M.
• 04/13/23
yummy food from a local business
Sean S.
• 01/01/23
I eat it every week. That good
Frequently asked questions
Can I order Taco & Burrito Express delivery in Mundelein with Uber Eats?
Yes. Taco & Burrito Express delivery is available on Uber Eats in Mundelein.
Is Taco & Burrito Express delivery available near me?
Enter your address to see if Taco & Burrito Express delivery is available to your location in Mundelein.
How do I order Taco & Burrito Express delivery online in Mundelein?
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Taco & Burrito Express menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
Where can I find Taco & Burrito Express online menu prices?
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Taco & Burrito Express here on this page.
How do I get free delivery on my Taco & Burrito Express order?
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
How do I pay for my Taco & Burrito Express order?
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.
What’s the best thing to order for Taco & Burrito Express delivery in Mundelein?
If you’re in need of some suggestions for your Taco & Burrito Express order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.
What are some other stores nearby Taco & Burrito Express?
Allergens: These items may include unlisted ingredients and/or be prepared on equipment that processes allergens. Take precautions if you have an allergy.