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Silla Korean Restaurant 신라 (Aurora)

Silla Korean Restaurant 신라 (Aurora)

4.7 xStar (410+)KoreanAsianBBQ$Info

xClock Available in 56 min

Silla Korean Restaurant 신라 in Aurora specializes in a variety of authentic Korean dishes. The menu features a range of Soon Tofu options, several traditional soups like Spicy Beef Soup and Kimchi Stew, and a se... More
Silla Korean Restaurant 신라 in Aurora specializes in a variety of authentic Korean dishes. The menu features a range of Soon Tofu options, several traditional soups like Spicy Beef Soup and Kimchi Stew, and a selection of hot pots and Korean BBQ items. Popular among patrons are the LA Short Rib Galbee Bowl and Side Dishes Large. For those looking for a hearty meal, the restaurant also offers specialties like the Spicy Pork Bowl Deluxe and Beef Short Rib Soup. Rated at approximately 4.6, Silla Korean Restaurant 신라 is a favored choice for evening dining. Less
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410+ Ratings


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Pickup time


11:00 AM - 2:00 PM • Main Menu

4:30 PM - 8:30 PM • Main Menu

Tuesday - Saturday

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM • Main Menu

4:30 PM - 8:30 PM • Main Menu

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  • Main Menu

    11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
