Royal Thai Cuisine
6212 East Highway 98, Panama City, FL 32404
Closed on Uber EatsClosed on Uber Eats as of Apr 8, 2024.
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Monday - Friday
11:30 AM - 8:00 PM
12:30 PM - 8:00 PM
- Spring RollCrispy veggie roll served with sweet Thai sauce.
- EdamameSteamed Japanese green peas top with sea salt.
- Miso Soup (Cup)Miso is a paste made from fermented soybeans served soft.
- Tom Yum SoupChicken, spicy, and sour broth with mushroom.
- Cucumber SaladCucumber, red onion, tomato, bell peppers, and carrot.
Express Lane
- Chicken TeriyakiServed with jasmine rice and tod.
- Chicken Red CurryServed with jasmine rice and tod.
Thai Fried Rice
- Royal Thai Fried RiceJasmine rice sauteed with egg onion, scallion, and tomato with a combination of pork, beef, and shrimp.
- Pineapple Fried RiceJasmine rice sauteed with pineapple, snow pea, raisin, onion, egg cashew nut, yellow curry, and a combination of pork, chicken, and shrimp.
Can I order Royal Thai Cuisine delivery on Uber Eats?
Royal Thai Cuisine is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to Royal Thai Cuisine that are available on Uber Eats?
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