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Poor Boy

Poor Boy

4.7 xStar (350+)AmericanSandwichesSaladsBurgersFast FoodComfort FoodComfort FoodAffordable MealsGreekInfo

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101 Roosevelt Road

Poor Boy in Maywood is a fast food restaurant that offers a wide variety of American classics and Greek-inspired dishes. The menu features a robust selection of sandwiches, including Italian Beef and Italian Sa... More
Poor Boy in Maywood is a fast food restaurant that offers a wide variety of American classics and Greek-inspired dishes. The menu features a robust selection of sandwiches, including Italian Beef and Italian Sausage, alongside combination submarines like the Gym Shoe and Poor Boy. From the grill, patrons can enjoy items such as Philly Steak and Chop Steak, while the Greek section boasts traditional Gyros. Popular among Uber Eats users are the Fry, Gym Shoe, Grilled Chicken on Pita, and Gyros, with the Fry and Grilled Chicken on Pita frequently ordered together. The establishment enjoys a customer rating of 4.2. Less
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10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Monday - Saturday

10:00 AM - 11:00 PM


10:00 AM – 11:00 PM
