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Pizzeria Bravo - Oakland

Pizzeria Bravo - Oakland

4.4 xStar (91)PizzaWingsGluten Free$Info

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Pizzeria Bravo in Oakland, located in the Cleveland Heights neighborhood, is celebrated for its array of thin crust pizzas. With a customer rating of 4.0, this pizzeria offers a diverse menu that includes favor... More
Pizzeria Bravo in Oakland, located in the Cleveland Heights neighborhood, is celebrated for its array of thin crust pizzas. With a customer rating of 4.0, this pizzeria offers a diverse menu that includes favorites such as the Thin Crust Cheese Pizza and Thin Crust Pepperoni & Jalapeño Pizza. Aside from their popular thin crust options, they also serve deep dish pizzas, boneless wings, and a selection of drinks. It's a hit especially in the evenings, where items like the Thin Crust Cheese Pizza and a bottle of water are frequently ordered together. Less
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Rating and reviews


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91 Ratings

"Great looking pizza in the photo. I didn't see it in person, since I sent it across the country. I wish I could have found a number for this place, but the Oakland Pizzeria Bravo has no listed number that works, so I couldn't adjust my toppings to half a pie. Regardless, good job!"

 • Joseph K. • 01/27/24

"Good job"

 • FITSUM G. • 04/04/24
Pizzeria Bravo

5:00 PM – 1:00 AM

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