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Pizza Amigos

Pizza Amigos

4.6 xStar (3,000+)ItalianPizzaAlcohol$$Info

xClock Available at 8:00 AM

Pizza Amigos, located in the Santa Fe neighborhood of Oakland, offers a diverse menu that spans traditional and gourmet pizzas, including specialties like the Amigos Combo Climax Pizza and Chicken Tikka Masala ... More
Pizza Amigos, located in the Santa Fe neighborhood of Oakland, offers a diverse menu that spans traditional and gourmet pizzas, including specialties like the Amigos Combo Climax Pizza and Chicken Tikka Masala Pizza. The restaurant also features a variety of salads, pasta dishes, and Indian-inspired appetizers, catering to a range of tastes. Popular menu items among customers include the Cheese Pizza and Soda, often ordered together for a satisfying meal. With a customer rating of 4.2, Pizza Amigos is a go-to spot for those looking to enjoy a slice early in the morning or any other time of day. Less
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10:35 AM - 4:00 AM


9:00 AM - 3:45 AM


9:30 AM - 4:55 AM

Wednesday - Thursday

9:30 AM - 4:00 AM


8:00 AM - 4:00 AM


9:30 AM - 4:00 AM


8:00 AM – 4:00 AM
