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Paraná Empanadas - PB

956 Garnet Avenue, San Diego, CA 92109

Closed on Uber Eats
Closed on Uber Eats as of Nov 27, 2024.
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Sunday - Monday

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Menu

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Menu


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Menu

Wednesday - Saturday

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Menu

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM • Menu


9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

  • Signature Drinks

    • Cooler
      Cold brew and in-house made lemonade and mint. Yerba mate based drink.
    • Dirty Chai
      Chai tea and milk + caffeine choice
    • Lavender Latte
      Lavender and milk + caffeine choice
    • Rosa
      Rosa syrup and milk + caffeine choice
    • Dulce de Leche
      Argentinian dulce de leche and milk + caffeine choice
    • Salted Dulce de Leche
      Cold brew yerba mate or coffee, dulce de leche, and cold foam.
    • Latte
      Yerba or espresso and milk.
    • Choco
      Chocolate and milk + caffeine choice
    • Loose Leaf Tea
      Chamomint, very berry, and black. Yerba mate based drink.
  • Empanadas

    • Beef Empanada
      Traditionally seasoned ground beef, green olive, red bell pepper, and sauteed onion. Freshly baked.
    • Chicken Empanada
      Seasoned shredded chicken, red bell pepper, green onion, and sauteed onion. Freshly baked.
    • Mushrooms Empanada
      Champignon, portobello, porcini, mozzarella, Parmesan, and sauteed onion. Freshly baked.
    • Vegan Jackfruit Empanada
      JF - seasoned jackfruit, celery, carrot and sautéed onion. Try it with chipotle chimi.
    • Malbxc Beef Empanada
      24-hour ground beef marinated in malbxc winx, raisins, sautéed onion.
    • Spinach Empanada
      Spinach, mozzarella, feta, and sauteed onion. Freshly baked.
    • Spicy Beef
      ground and diced beef seasoned with a variety of chilies, sauteed onion.
    • Five Cheese
      mix of five cheeses
    • Rajas Empanada
      Roasted chilies, mozzarella, corn, roasted tomatoes, and sauteed onion. Freshly baked.
    • Corn Empanada
      Corn, mozzarella cheese, red bell pepper, sautéed onion
  • Chipa

    • Chipa (3 pcs)
      Tapioca flour cheese bread balls. Pao de queijo. Gluten-free.
  • Salads

  • Desserts

  • Toasts

  • Bowls

  • Soup

  • Breakfast Croissant

  • Rating and reviews



    150+ Ratings • 

    1 Reviews

    Nicole C.

    Encontrar cosas de mi pais aqui ❤️

  • Frequently asked questions

    • Paraná Empanadas - PB is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.

    • Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in San Diego.

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