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Mr. Natural (Cesar Chavez)

Mr. Natural (Cesar Chavez)

4.8 xStar (1,000+)Vegetarian FriendlyVeganHealthySaladsGroup Friendly$$Info

1901 E Cesar Chavez St Austin

Mr. Natural (Cesar Chavez) in East Austin offers a diverse vegan menu that caters to a variety of tastes. Popular dishes among patrons include the Taco Salad, Vegan East Side Taco, Flautas Plate, and the MOABB ... More
Mr. Natural (Cesar Chavez) in East Austin offers a diverse vegan menu that caters to a variety of tastes. Popular dishes among patrons include the Taco Salad, Vegan East Side Taco, Flautas Plate, and the MOABB (Breakfast Burrito). The restaurant provides a wide selection of vegan options ranging from tacos and sandwiches to vegan pastries and breakfast items. Beverages such as Cafe Con Leche and Mex. Hot Chocolate complement the meals. Highly rated by customers, this establishment is a favorite for morning dining. Less
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Monday - Saturday

8:00 AM - 7:30 PM


8:00 AM – 7:30 PM

Allergens: These items may include unlisted ingredients and/or be prepared on equipment that processes allergens. Take precautions if you have an allergy.