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Molinari Delicatessen

Molinari Delicatessen

4.8 xStar (1,000+)ItalianComfort FoodDeliSandwichVegetarian FriendlyGroup Friendly$$Info

xClock Available in 26 min

Located in the heart of San Francisco's Little Italy, Molinari Delicatessen is a sandwich shop known for its wide selection of gourmet and hot sandwiches. The menu features popular items such as the Molinari Sp... More
Located in the heart of San Francisco's Little Italy, Molinari Delicatessen is a sandwich shop known for its wide selection of gourmet and hot sandwiches. The menu features popular items such as the Molinari Special Italian Combo and the Luciano Special, alongside the ability for patrons to create their own Custom Sandwich. Beverages like Diet Coca-Cola and San Pellegrino Sparkling Bottled Water complement the meal options. Customers often enjoy pairing their sandwiches with Dirty Chips, a top ordered item commonly requested together with the Basil Turkey Special. The establishment boasts a customer rating of 4.3, reflecting its popularity, especially during the midday rush. Less
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11:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Monday - Saturday

9:00 AM - 5:45 PM
