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4.4 x (19)BurgersAmericanSandwiches$Info

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7236 39th St, Lyons, IL 60534, USA

Marlins in Lyons is a fast food establishment known for its hearty American fare. The menu features a variety of dinners such as the Catfish Dinner and the Grouper Filet Dinner, alongside appetizers like Grille... More
Marlins in Lyons is a fast food establishment known for its hearty American fare. The menu features a variety of dinners such as the Catfish Dinner and the Grouper Filet Dinner, alongside appetizers like Grilled Wings and Beer Battered Marlin Bites. Notably popular among patrons are the Grilled Wings and the Caesar Salad. Marlins is particularly favored during the afternoon and holds an impressive customer rating of 4.5. Guests often enjoy pairing their meals with commonly ordered items such as the Beer Battered Marlin Bites and Grilled Wings. Less
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12:00 PM – 10:00 PM
