La Reina Del Paladar
270 Beth Stacey Boulevard, Food Truck, Lehigh Acres, FL 33936
Closed on Uber EatsClosed on Uber Eats as of Jul 31, 2024.
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9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday - Saturday
9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tamal Cubano
- Completa de Tamal/Cuban Tamal ComboTamal Cubano con Lechón asado y tajada de aguacte
Cuban Tamal with Roasted pork and avocado slice - Tamal CubanoCuban Tamal
Frita Cubana / Cuban Burger
- Frita Cubana / Cuban Burger- La hamburguesa de Res y chorizo se apila con papas fritas crujientes y cebollas, empacadas en un pan tostado.
-Pork and beef hamburger is piled high with crisp shoestring fries and onions, packed into a toasted bun.
- Pan Con Bistec / Cuban Steak Sandwich-Pan cubano tostado, bistec frito, cebolla, lechuga, tomate, mavonesa, ketchup y papas cruiientes
-Toasted Cuban bread, fried steak, Caramelized onions,, Lettuce, Tomato, Mayonnaise, Ketchup
and crispy potato sticks - Cuban SandwichPan cubano tostado con asado de cerdo marinado en mojo, jamón, queso, mostaza y pepinillos
Toasted cuban bread with mojo-marinated pork roast, ham, cheese, pickles, and mustard - Pan Con Lechon /Cuban Roasted Pork Sandwich-Pan Cubano Tostado, Cerdo Asado, Cebolla y salsa mojo
-Toasted Cuban Bread, Roast Pork, Caramelized Onions, Mojo Sauce
Bebidas / Drinks
- Jugo de Naranja Natural / Natural Orange JuiceJugo de naranja natural recién exprimido
Freshly Squeezed Natural orange Juice - Batido de Mango /Mango ShakeBatido de Mango hecho con fruta natural
Mango shake made with natural fruit - Batido de Mamey /Mamey ShakeHecho con fruta de mamey natural
Made with natural mamey fruit
- JuPina Soda Can
- Pepsi Soda Can
- Sprite Soda Can
- Agua /Water
Bebidas Calientes/ Hot Drinks
- Cafe Con Leche / Coffe With Milk
- CortaditoVaso de 4 onza de mitad espresso y leche evaporado
4oz cup of half espresso coffee and evaporated milk - Espresso2 onzas de cafe cubano
2 ounce cuban coffee - Colada4 onzas de cafe cubano (espresso)
4 ounces of cuban coffee
Desayuno/ Breakfast
- Desayuno Express2 Huevos Revueltos con Jamon, Tostada, Cafe con leche
2 Scrambled Eggs with Ham, Toasted cuban bread with butter, Coffe with milk - Tostada Cubana / Cuban ToastPan cubano tostado con mantequilla
Toasted Cuban bread with butter
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La Reina Del Paladar is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to La Reina Del Paladar that are available on Uber Eats?
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