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La Cocina de Ricardo

La Cocina de Ricardo

4.8 xStar (95)MexicanTacosBurritosFish & Seafood$$Info

23532 El Toro Rd., #11

La Cocina de Ricardo, nestled in Lake Forest, is a Mexican restaurant celebrated for its authentic and hearty dishes. The menu features a variety of traditional favorites, including Pozole, Caldo De Res Soup, a... More
La Cocina de Ricardo, nestled in Lake Forest, is a Mexican restaurant celebrated for its authentic and hearty dishes. The menu features a variety of traditional favorites, including Pozole, Caldo De Res Soup, and Menudo, with Tortas Hot Sandwiches also being a popular choice among patrons. Notably, the California Burrito and Enchiladas De Mole are special highlights. The restaurant garners high praise with a perfect customer rating, making it a favored destination in the evenings. Beverages such as Coca Mexicana complement the rich flavors of the dishes well. Less
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11:00 AM - 8:59 PM


11:00 AM – 8:59 PM
