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Kaffeine Alley

Kaffeine Alley

4.7 xStar (160+)AsianDessertsJuice and Smoothies$Info

Kaffeine Alley in Anaheim is a bubble tea shop with a perfect customer rating. It offers a unique selection of beverages and light meals, with popular drinks including Rose Milk Tea and Crack Milk Tea, which fe... More
Kaffeine Alley in Anaheim is a bubble tea shop with a perfect customer rating. It offers a unique selection of beverages and light meals, with popular drinks including Rose Milk Tea and Crack Milk Tea, which features a coffee twist. The menu also features a variety of organic matcha drinks, breakfast sandwiches, and grilled sandwiches, with The GOAT & J being a frequent choice among patrons. This venue is particularly favored in the mornings, making it a top spot for starting the day with a refreshing tea or a hearty sandwich. Less
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7:00 AM - 4:45 PM

Monday - Friday

6:45 AM - 4:45 PM


7:00 AM - 4:45 PM


7:00 AM – 4:45 PM
