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8225 Beverly Blvd

Jar, located in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, offers a fast food dining experience with a focus on high-quality meat dishes. Popular among diners are the Mashed Potatoes, Prime Filet of Beef, P... More
Jar, located in the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, offers a fast food dining experience with a focus on high-quality meat dishes. Popular among diners are the Mashed Potatoes, Prime Filet of Beef, Prime Rib-Eye, and Purple Yams. Favorites commonly ordered together include Jar's Signature Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes. The menu features a variety of starters like Crab Deviled Eggs and Roasted Beets, alongside decadent desserts such as Jar's Signature Chocolate Pudding and Banana Cream Pie. This establishment is a hit in the evenings, boasting a customer rating of 4.2. Less
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500+ Ratings

"One of my favorites placEs in All of LA"

 • Muaz M. • 01/26/24

"Steak and pot roast are amazing"

 • Josh K. • 09/09/23

Fri 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
