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Inle Burmese Cuisine

Inle Burmese Cuisine

4.8 xStar (310+)NoodlesRollsAlcoholBurmeseAsian$Info

x Available Tuesday 11:00 AM

Inle Burmese Cuisine is a Burmese restaurant located in the Inner Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco. This eatery enjoys a solid customer base, with a rating of approximately 4.2. Guests at Inle Burmese Cuisi... More
Inle Burmese Cuisine is a Burmese restaurant located in the Inner Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco. This eatery enjoys a solid customer base, with a rating of approximately 4.2. Guests at Inle Burmese Cuisine favor dishes like Tea Leaf Salad and (v) Paratha with Coconut Curry Dip, both of which are also frequently ordered together. The menu features a variety of traditional Burmese offerings, including various rice plates like Beef Curry and Chicken Curry, as well as noodle dishes such as Burmese Garlic Noodles. The evening tends to be the most popular time for orders, reflecting the restaurant's welcoming dinner atmosphere. Less
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11:00 AM - 3:00 PM • Menu

4:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Menu

Tuesday - Saturday

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM • Menu

4:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Menu


Tue 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
