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I Love Tacos - J Town

I Love Tacos - J Town

4.8 xStar (500+)MexicanTacosBurritosGroup FriendlyInfo

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9909 Taylorsville Road

I Love Tacos - J Town is a Mexican restaurant located in the Highgate Springs area of Jeffersontown. The menu features a variety of classic Mexican dishes, including burritos, tacos, and quesadillas, with popul... More
I Love Tacos - J Town is a Mexican restaurant located in the Highgate Springs area of Jeffersontown. The menu features a variety of classic Mexican dishes, including burritos, tacos, and quesadillas, with popular items such as the Burrito Love, Asada Taco, and Queso & Chips. Guests also enjoy their selection of margaritas and traditional desserts like churros and flan. The restaurant is particularly favored during the evening, reflecting its lively dining atmosphere. Less
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Rating and reviews


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500+ Ratings

"Quick and affordable- the blueberry margarita is fantastic!"

 • Amara Y. • 08/13/23

"Love everything on the menu, lovely servers too!"

 • Max S. • 09/11/24

11:00 AM - 8:53 PM

Monday - Saturday

11:00 AM - 9:44 PM


11:00 AM – 9:44 PM
