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HuevoRito (3601 Jamboree Road)

HuevoRito (3601 Jamboree Road)

4.3 xStar (170+)MexicanBurritosBreakfast and Brunch$Info

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3601 Jamboree Road

Located in the San Joaquin Marsh area of Newport Beach, HuevoRito (3601 Jamboree Road) is a breakfast and brunch spot where early risers find delight. The restaurant specializes in hearty breakfast burritos wit... More
Located in the San Joaquin Marsh area of Newport Beach, HuevoRito (3601 Jamboree Road) is a breakfast and brunch spot where early risers find delight. The restaurant specializes in hearty breakfast burritos with popular choices such as the SausaRito and HuevoRito, complemented by sides like salsa and potatoes. For those with a sweet tooth, Churro Bites provide a delightful finish. Beverages range from Mexican Coca-Cola to bottled cold brew coffee, ensuring a refreshing accompaniment to any meal. Less
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170+ Ratings

"The sausage burrito is absolutely delicious. The cheese is super melty. It’s perfect"

 • VIRGINIA V. • 01/19/24

"Everything was great except that we didn’t get our extra salsa that I ordered"

 • Danielle G. • 05/26/24

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9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 8:30 PM


9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

HuevoRito 1.0

9:00 AM – 8:30 PM
