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Gahanna Grill

Gahanna Grill

4.3 xStar (160+)PizzaBurgersAmericanSandwiches$Info

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82 Granville St

Gahanna Grill is a fast food restaurant located in the Wonderland neighborhood of Gahanna. The establishment boasts a diverse menu featuring a variety of appetizers, sandwiches, wraps, and half-pound burgers, s... More
Gahanna Grill is a fast food restaurant located in the Wonderland neighborhood of Gahanna. The establishment boasts a diverse menu featuring a variety of appetizers, sandwiches, wraps, and half-pound burgers, such as the Beanie Burger and Mush and Swiss Burger. Popular choices among patrons include the Crispy Chicken Wrap and the Shrimp Basket, with the Salted Carmel Cheesecake being a favored dessert option. This restaurant, rated 4.2 for customer satisfaction, is a hit in the evenings, attracting a crowd that enjoys hearty, casual dining. Less
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11:00 AM - 8:45 PM


11:00 AM – 8:45 PM
