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4.8 x (40)ItalianPastaFish & SeafoodInfo

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40 Central Park South

Gabriel's, located in the Central Park area of Manhattan, is a highly-rated pizzeria known for its Italian cuisine. The restaurant features a variety of pasta dishes such as Linguine alle Vongole and Fettuccine... More
Gabriel's, located in the Central Park area of Manhattan, is a highly-rated pizzeria known for its Italian cuisine. The restaurant features a variety of pasta dishes such as Linguine alle Vongole and Fettuccine Quattro Stagioni, and offers a selection of antipasti including Mozzarella di Bufala Caprese and Tartara di Tonno. Popular dishes among Uber Eats users include Rucola con Parmigiano and Mezzaluna. This establishment is especially favored in the evenings, reflecting its bustling dinner service. Less
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Gabriels Bar and Restaurant

5:00 PM – 10:00 PM
