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Froyo Life

Froyo Life

4.9 xStar (310+)Ice Cream & Frozen YogurtComfort FoodDesserts$$Info

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2301 Honolulu Ave

Froyo Life, located in Glendale, is a delightful destination for ice cream and frozen yogurt enthusiasts. This venue specializes in a variety of frozen treats, offering customizable options with popular choices... More
Froyo Life, located in Glendale, is a delightful destination for ice cream and frozen yogurt enthusiasts. This venue specializes in a variety of frozen treats, offering customizable options with popular choices like Acai Bowls and the unique YoPup Froyo for dogs. Customers frequently enjoy personalizing their orders with additional toppings or opting for simple pleasures like the "Keep it simple. 2 pints!" option. With a solid customer rating, the establishment is a favored spot in the evening for a sweet and refreshing treat. Less
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Rating and reviews


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310+ Ratings

"Got it in excellent condition thank you"

 • Simon J. • 05/19/24

"Froyo was packed with an ice pack!"

 • Annie T. • 09/25/23

12:00 PM – 8:40 PM
