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Fortun's Kitchen & Bar

Fortun's Kitchen & Bar

4.6 xStar (37)PizzaBurgersAmericanSandwiches$Info

78085 Avenida La Fonda

Fortun's Kitchen & Bar in La Quinta offers a selection of gourmet brick oven pizzas, robust entrees, and delightful desserts. The menu highlights include Fig and Prosciutto Pizza and Canadian King Salmon, along... More
Fortun's Kitchen & Bar in La Quinta offers a selection of gourmet brick oven pizzas, robust entrees, and delightful desserts. The menu highlights include Fig and Prosciutto Pizza and Canadian King Salmon, along with comforting sides like French Fries and Tater Tots. For those with a sweet tooth, the Coconut Cream Pie provides a perfect ending to the meal. This fast food venue is popular for dishes such as Braised Short Rib and is also known for pairing Canadian King Salmon and Braised Short Rib as a favored combination among patrons. Less
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Every Day

4:00 PM - 8:30 PM


4:00 PM – 8:30 PM
