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Clasica Victoria - Sunset

Clasica Victoria - Sunset

4.9 xStar (24)CafeBakeryEuropeanInfo

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5855 Sunset Drive

Clasica Victoria - Sunset in South Miami offers a morning-focused menu appealing to those seeking a quick and wholesome start to their day. Despite being categorized as a pizza place, the restaurant is better k... More
Clasica Victoria - Sunset in South Miami offers a morning-focused menu appealing to those seeking a quick and wholesome start to their day. Despite being categorized as a pizza place, the restaurant is better known for its breakfast offerings, including popular items such as the Breakfast Croissant and Chicken Wrap. Guests also favor the Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice and a variety of Iced Teas. The establishment provides a selection of pastries and hearty breakfast dishes that cater to morning cravings in the South Miami neighborhood. Less
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8:15 AM - 2:30 PM

Monday - Saturday

8:15 AM - 3:30 PM

Daily Menu (8:15AM-3:30PM)

8:15 AM – 3:30 PM
