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Chez Nanine

Chez Nanine

4.6 xStar (600+)AmericanSandwichesBurgersInfo

xClock Available Monday 12:00 PM

x Accepts Swile, Pluxee, Ticket Restaurant®, Bimpli (ex Apetiz), and UpDéjeuner

Tap for hours, info, and more

16 Rue François Blaudez, Épinal, EMEA 88000

Meal Vouchers
Accepts Swile, Pluxee, Ticket Restaurant®, Bimpli (ex Apetiz), and UpDéjeuner
Midi et soir

Mon 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Meal Vouchers
Accepts Swile, Pluxee, Ticket Restaurant®, Bimpli (ex Apetiz), and UpDéjeuner