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Burger Mania

Burger Mania

4.5 xStar (240+)BurgersAmerican$Info

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2302 W Bell Rd

Burger Mania, nestled in the Steeplechase neighborhood of Phoenix, is a burger joint that offers a diverse menu extending beyond its signature burgers like the Mania Burger and Bacon Burger. Patrons also enjoy ... More
Burger Mania, nestled in the Steeplechase neighborhood of Phoenix, is a burger joint that offers a diverse menu extending beyond its signature burgers like the Mania Burger and Bacon Burger. Patrons also enjoy breakfast options, including traditional items like biscuits and gravy. The menu further includes a variety of Mexican dishes, Chicago-style favorites, and hearty dinner plates. Popular among Uber Eats users are the Bacon Avocado Cheese Burger and Gyros Pita Sandwich, which are frequently ordered together. With a customer rating of 4.2, Burger Mania is especially favored during the evening. Less
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Monday - Saturday

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM • Breakfast

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM • Menu
