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Brooklyn Calzones (724 Colonial Rd)

Brooklyn Calzones (724 Colonial Rd)

4.2 xStar (22)ItalianPizza$$Info

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724 Colonial Rd, Suite B # 1, Harrisburg, PA 17112

Brooklyn Calzones (724 Colonial Rd) in Harrisburg is a fast-food spot known for its variety of calzones. The menu features several unique calzones such as the Prospect Park Calzone, Brooklyn Calzone, and Willia... More
Brooklyn Calzones (724 Colonial Rd) in Harrisburg is a fast-food spot known for its variety of calzones. The menu features several unique calzones such as the Prospect Park Calzone, Brooklyn Calzone, and Williamsburg Calzone. In addition to these, the restaurant offers classic snacks like mozzarella sticks and chicken wings. Popular among Uber Eats users are the Prospect Park Calzone and the Barclays Calzone. The venue enjoys a customer rating of approximately 4.3. Less
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5:00 AM - 6:00 AM

Tuesday - Saturday
Brooklyn Calzones

5:00 AM – 6:00 AM
