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Brazilian Plate House

Brazilian Plate House

4.8 xStar (310+)BrazilianFamily FriendlyTraditional$$Info

xClock Available Tuesday 11:00 AM

Brazilian Plate House, located in Torrance, serves a diverse range of authentic Brazilian cuisine, earning a perfect customer rating of 5.0. The restaurant is popular for its Brazilian Plate selections, includi... More
Brazilian Plate House, located in Torrance, serves a diverse range of authentic Brazilian cuisine, earning a perfect customer rating of 5.0. The restaurant is popular for its Brazilian Plate selections, including the highly favored Picanha Plate featuring prime beef cut, and the Chicken Plate. Guests also enjoy the Feijoada Special, a traditional Brazilian stew, and a variety of pastries like Coxinha and Brigadeiro. Refreshing beverage options such as Fresh Juices and Brazilian Soda Guarana complement the meals. Popular dishes often ordered together are the Picanha and the chocolate fudge bonbon known as Brigadeiro. Less
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310+ Ratings


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Pickup time

Monday - Saturday

11:00 AM - 6:45 PM


11:00 AM – 6:45 PM
