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Blue Barn (Steiner)

Blue Barn (Steiner)

4.9 xStar (7,000+)AmericanSandwichesSaladsExclusive to EatsComfort FoodSandwichGroup Friendly$Info

xClock Available Sunday 11:00 AM

Blue Barn (Steiner), located in the Cow Hollow neighborhood of San Francisco, focuses on healthy dining options. The restaurant offers a variety of salads such as the U-Pick Salad, Tostada Salad, and the popula... More
Blue Barn (Steiner), located in the Cow Hollow neighborhood of San Francisco, focuses on healthy dining options. The restaurant offers a variety of salads such as the U-Pick Salad, Tostada Salad, and the popular Thai Chicken Salad. Their menu also features hearty sandwiches like the Skirt Sandwich and Kickin' Chicken Sandwich, along with sides that include Tator Tots and French Fries. Midday is a bustling time for Blue Barn, reflecting its popularity among the health-conscious locals. The establishment has earned a high customer rating, further cementing its reputation for quality and freshness. Less
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11:00 AM - 7:20 PM


Sun 11:00 AM – 7:20 PM
