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Ben & Jerry's (Ann Arbor)

Ben & Jerry's (Ann Arbor)

4.7 x (260+)Ice Cream & Frozen YogurtComfort FoodDessertsKids FriendlyAmerican$Info

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304 S State St

Ben & Jerry's (Ann Arbor) is an affordable chain store located in the North State neighborhood of Ann Arbor. Well-rated by customers, it offers a kids-friendly cuisine. The most popular time for orders is in th... More
Ben & Jerry's (Ann Arbor) is an affordable chain store located in the North State neighborhood of Ann Arbor. Well-rated by customers, it offers a kids-friendly cuisine. The most popular time for orders is in the evening, and their top ordered items include small ice cream cakes. Less
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260+ Ratings

"Absolutely amazing. Nothing else to say ☺️"

 • Sofiia S. • 08/10/22

"good variety of ice cream"

 • Tricia R. • 02/20/24

1:15 PM – 10:15 PM
