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Baskin-Robbins (8424 Federal Blvd)

Baskin-Robbins (8424 Federal Blvd)

4.1 xStar (310+)DessertsIce Cream and Frozen YogurtComfort Food$Info

8424 Federal Blvd, Westminster, CO 80031

Baskin-Robbins on Federal Blvd in Westminster specializes in a wide array of ice cream and frozen yogurt offerings. This location is popular for its traditional and creative dessert options including Banana Spl... More
Baskin-Robbins on Federal Blvd in Westminster specializes in a wide array of ice cream and frozen yogurt offerings. This location is popular for its traditional and creative dessert options including Banana Split, Milkshake, Brownie Sundae, and various scoops of ice cream. Their menu features a range of ice cream servings from single to triple scoops, alongside unique treats like the Polar Pizza Ice Cream Treat in flavors such as Mint Chocolate Chip and OREO Cookies 'n Cream. Customers often enjoy customizing their experience with the DIY Sundae Kit. Evening is the most popular time to indulge in their sweet offerings, reflecting the store’s popularity for dessert after dinner. Less
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310+ Ratings

"Have always loved BR, since childhood. vMy Dad used to take me on hot summer days. He loved the Rocky Road, and I 'd get the daqueri ice, bubblegum, or fudge (my favorite!). Glad you're still around to bring these happy memories!\n"

 • Wendy A. • 07/14/24

"The Cappuccino Blast is sensational when it's mixed well. And the Banana Splits are wonderful, since you can mix your own preferential flavors! Yum!!"

 • Wendy A. • 08/04/24

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11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

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