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Barrio Philly

Barrio Philly

4.5 xStar (600+)CheesesteakSandwichesComfort FoodBurgersAmericanInfo

xClock Available at 11:00 AM

Barrio Philly, located in the East Village neighborhood of San Diego, specializes in cheesesteak offerings, with a diverse menu that incorporates a blend of traditional and innovative takes on the classic Phila... More
Barrio Philly, located in the East Village neighborhood of San Diego, specializes in cheesesteak offerings, with a diverse menu that incorporates a blend of traditional and innovative takes on the classic Philadelphia sandwich. Guests can enjoy popular items such as the Classic Cheesesteak and Spicy Garlic Chicken, or delve into unique variations like the Mexican Philly and Philly Cheesesteak bowls. The restaurant also offers a selection of burgers, including the frequently ordered One Patty Cheeseburger. Dessert options and a variety of sauces complement the savory selections, ensuring a rounded meal experience. Less
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Pickup time

Monday - Tuesday

11:00 AM - 9:00 PM


11:00 AM - 9:10 PM

Thursday - Friday

11:00 AM - 9:00 PM


12:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Main Menu

11:00 AM – 9:10 PM
