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韓国冷麺 パラム 岸部南2丁目

大阪府吹田市岸部南2-2-15, サンハイツ岸辺101号, Osaka, 564-0011

Closed on Uber Eats
Closed on Uber Eats as of Dec 14, 2021.
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10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Monday - Saturday
メニュー Menu

Sun 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM

  • 冷麺 Cold Noodles

    • パラム風冷麺 Param-Style Cold Noodles
      シンプルな基本の冷麺。 酢の酸味につるつるの麺、複雑に絡み合う旨みが一体となり、食欲がないときでも身体にすんなりとはいってきて、元気がみなぎってくる!

      All the sourness of vinegar and smooth noodles mixed together in a delicious dish pleasant to eat even when you don't have an appetite, simple cold noodles to give you an energy boost.
    • 蒸し鶏冷麺 Cold Noodles with Steamed Chicken

      All the sourness of vinegar and smooth noodles mixed together in a delicious dish pleasant to eat even when you don't have an appetite, cold noodles to give you an energy boost. Served with tender steamed chicken for a healthier choice.
    • 叉焼冷麺 Cold Noodles with Steamed Pork Fillet

      All the sourness of vinegar and smooth noodles mixed together in a delicious dish pleasant to eat even when you don't have an appetite, cold noodles to give you an energy boost. Served with roasted pork fillet seasoned sweet, very appetizing.
    • 牛はらみ焼肉冷麺 Cold Noodles with BBQ Skirt Steak

      All the sourness of vinegar and smooth noodles mixed together in a delicious dish pleasant to eat even when you don't have an appetite, cold noodles to give you an energy boost. Served with strictly selected skirt steak, recommended to savor all the deliciousness of meat.
    • パラム風ビビン麺 Param-Style Bibim Noodles

      Traditional stamina dish often eaten in summer in Korea, popular throughout the year in Japanese BBQ restaurants. The special bibim noodles sauce packs quite a punch, together with colorful namul in a spicy & appetizing dish with good volume.
  • 御飯物 Rice Dishes

    • ミニ牛ハラミ丼 Mini Beef Skirt Steak Rice Bowl
      ハラミ焼肉の、ミニサイズの丼です。 Mini size BBQ skirt steak rice bowl.
    • ミニビビンバ丼 Mini Bibimbap Rice Bowl
      ミニサイズのビビンバです。 Mini size bibimbap.
    • ミニ叉焼丼 Mini Roasted Pork Fillet Rice Bowl
      小盛サイズのチャーシュー丼です。 Mini size roasted pork fillet rice bowl.
  • コールドアペタイザー Cold Appetizers

    • ナムル盛り合わせ Assorted Namul Platter
      ナムル3種類とキムチの盛り合わせです。Assortment of 3 types of namul and kimchi.
    • キムチ Kimchi
      キムチをたくさん食べたい方はどうぞ Perfect to try all sorts of kimchi.
    • ぜんまいナムル Fern Namul
      ぜんまいのナムル盛りです。 Assorted fern namul platter.
    • もやしナムル Bean Sprouts Namul
      もやしナムル盛りです。 Assorted bean sprouts namul platter.
  • ホットアペタイザー Hot Appetizers

    • ヤンニョムチキン Yangnyeom Chicken
      サクサク衣のジューシーな唐揚げをオリジナル特製ヤンニョムだれで絡めた辛味と旨味溢れる韓国料理を代表する一品。 Juicy fried chicken with crunchy crust and our original yangnyeom sauce, an iconic Korean dish overflowing with spiciness & deliciousness.
  • ドリンク Drinks

    • コカコーラ Coca Cola
      120年以上にわたり、国境や文化を越えて世界中の人々に愛されており、その規模は200以上の国や地域に及びます。スカッと爽やか、定番炭酸飲料。 Over 120 years of history, loved all over the world, beyond borders and difference of culture, in more than 200 countries and regions. Refreshing and pleasant, classic soda drink.
    • 綾鷹 Ayataka Green Tea
      急須で入れたような緑茶本来の“にごりのある色味”と“舌に旨みが残るふくよかな味わい”を実現した、ワンランク上の本格的なお茶「綾鷹」。 Thick color typical of genuine green tea and pleasant aftertaste in high quality Ayataka green tea.
  • Frequently asked questions

    • 韓国冷麺 パラム 岸部南2丁目 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.

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