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- 鮭の西京焼弁当(和食) Kyoto-Style Grilled Salmon (Japanese-Style)¥890 • 100% (7)日本料理の定番。変わらない美味しさを自家製西京味噌で
堪能して下さい。 This is a classic Japanese meal. Please enjoy the delicious meal with the homemade Seikyou miso sauce. - 牛肉のミルフィーユカツレツ弁当(洋食) Mille-Feuille Style Beef Cutlets (Western-Style)¥890 • 82% (16)薄切り牛肉を重ねて、スパイシーなパン粉を纏わせました。油で揚げたりしないオーブン焼き。デミグラスソースで召し上がってください。We have overlaid the thinsliced beef and added some spicy bread crumbs. The meal is oven-baked, not oil fried. Please enjoy this meal with demi-glace sauce.
- チキンハニーマスタード焼 弁当(洋食) Grilled Chicken with Honey Mustard (Western-Style)¥890 • 96% (30)ハチミツと粒マスタードの優しいハーモニーをお楽しみください。女性のお客様は、ハマること間違いありません。 Please enjoy the new taste of honey and grain mustard. Womans will definitely love this meal.
- 牛肉のレモン醤油炒め弁当 (和食) Stir-Fried Beef with Soy Sauce (Japanese-Style)¥890 • 93% (16)生のレモンを絞ってこしらえた自家製レモン醤油。濃厚な
も美味しさ効果抜群です。The homemade lemon soy sauce is made from squeezed raw lemon. The smell of the citrus fruits goes perfectly with the rich beef. It is really delicious. - スズキのピカタ弁当(洋食) Japanese Sea Perch Piccata (Western-Style)¥890 • 100% (12)おなじみポークピカタの魚バージョン。淡白なスズキを粉
チーズ入り玉子でコーティング。トマトソースでどうぞ。 This meal is a fish version of pork piccata. The Japanese sea perch is coated with egg that contains cheese powder. Please enjoy this meal with tomato sauce. - 鶏の山椒焼き弁当(和食) Grilled Chicken with Japanese Pepper (Japanese-Style)¥890 • 94% (17)爽やかな山椒のピリ辛風味に、刻み柚子をあしらった絶
品。照焼チキンの上をいく新しい美味しさです。 This meal contains fresh Japanese pepper and strips of yuzu. This new taste is better than teriyaki chicken. - 青椒肉絲弁当(中華) Stir-Fried Green Pepper and Meat (Chinese-Style)¥890 • 83% (6)中華料理の極み。誰でも大好きな逸品です。 The best of Chinese food. Everyone loves this meal.
- 回鍋肉弁当(中華) Stir-Fried Vegetables and Meat (Chinese-Style)¥890キャベツ好き大集合!厚切りゆで豚とキャベツの甘味噌炒
めはボリューム満点です。 Who loves cabbages! The thick cutted boiled pork and cabbages are stir-fried with sweet miso sauce. - エビと玉子のチリソース弁 当(中華) Shrimp and Egg with Chili Sauce (Chinese-Style)¥890 • 100% (4)とろふわ玉子にプリプリ海老のチリソース。ほんのりレモ
気! A tender shrimp with chili sauce on a soft egg. The chili sauce has a slight taste of lemon that gives a new sence and it is very popular among young generations. - 牛ステーキ弁当(洋食) Beef Steak Bento Meal (Western-Style)¥1,800150gのご提供です。特製ステーキソースで召し上がっ
てください。 This steak is served in 150g. Please enjoy the meal with the special steak sauce. - 白身魚の包み焼弁当(洋食) White Fleshed Fish Bento Meal (Western-Style)¥864 • 92% (14)タラと野菜とキノコを、クッキングペーパーで優しく包ん
の秘密です。A meal of baking paper wrapped codfish, vegetables, and mushroom that is oven-baked . Yuzu pepper mayonnaise sauce is the key. - チキン南蛮弁当(和食) Chicken Namban Bento Meal (Japanese-Style)¥890やわらかチキンをタルタルソースで! Please enjoy the tender chicken with the tartar sauce!Popular
- 牛すき焼き弁当(和食) Beef Hot Pot Bento Meal (Japanese-Style)¥890誰もが大好きなすき焼き。タレが決め手の美味しさです。 Everyone loves beef hot pots. The sauce brings out the flavor from the meal.
- 油淋鶏弁当(中華) Fried Chicken Bento Meal (Chinese-Style)¥890香ばしい揚げ鶏。甘酸っぱい特製ソースに生のパセリを入れました。 This is a fried chicken meal with a roasting aroma. The special sweet-and-sour sauce contains raw parsley.
- 麻婆豆腐弁当(中華) Mabo Tofu Bento Meal (Chinese-Style)¥890木綿豆腐に合挽肉の麻婆豆腐です。山椒と豆板醤の効いた
味わいが人気です。 This mabo tofu contains tofu, ground beef and pork. The broad bean chili paste and the Japanese pepper makes the meal delicious and popular.
- 天麩羅盛り合わせ Assorted Tempura¥1,800天ぷら粉や片栗ではなく、小麦粉と卵だけで揚げたシンプルな衣は懐かしい昭和の味です。海老、キス、茄子、カボチャ、舞茸、シシトウをご提供致します。 This meal does not use tempura powder or potato starch, however this meal is deep-fried only with flour and eggs, and that creates a simple taste. Shrimp, Sillaginidae, Eggplant, Squash, Maitake Mushroom, and Green Pepper will be served.
- 海老のチリソース Shrimp with Chili Sauce¥1,800
- 牛ステーキ Beef Steak¥1,800180gのステーキです。 This is a 180g steak.
サイド Sides
- 特製フランクフルトプレート Special Frankfurt Dish¥540ブラジル直輸入の荒挽き特選フランクフルト。皮付きポテト、ブロッコリー、人参とトマトのコンカッセが付いています。 The special coarse frankfurt is directly imported from Brasil. French fries, broccoli, and carrot tomato concasse will also be served with the meal.
- カプレーゼ Caprese¥430トマトとモッツレラチーズのバジルソース仕立て This salad contains tomatoes and mozzarella cheese with basil saucePopular
ライス Rice
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Yes. ラジュール東京 L'AZURE TOKYO delivery is available on Uber Eats in Tokyo.
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How do I order ラジュール東京 L'AZURE TOKYO delivery online in Tokyo?
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the ラジュール東京 L'AZURE TOKYO menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
Where can I find ラジュール東京 L'AZURE TOKYO online menu prices?
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What’s the best thing to order for ラジュール東京 L'AZURE TOKYO delivery in Tokyo?
If you’re in need of some suggestions for your ラジュール東京 L'AZURE TOKYO order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.