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Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Plus Oxiclean Odor Blasters (166.5 fl oz)

166.5 fl oz
5.0 (5)

Target (Princess Anne)

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Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Plus OxiClean Odor Blasters is designed for high efficiency (HE) and standard machines and offers a concentrated formula with triple the odor-fighting power compared to leading value detergents. It is capable of cleaning clothes in cold water and is formulated without phosphates. The liquid laundry detergent is backed by Arm & Hammer's commitment to purity, enhanced with OxiClean stain fighters for effective cleaning. Each bottle can handle up to 128 medium-sized loads. The brand supports environmental initiatives by contributing to the planting of trees for cleaner air and water and ensures the product is made using 100% certified renewable electricity. The packaging is made to be recycle-friendly, and the product is not tested on animals. Packaging: Reusable

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Directions: 1. place container on its side with the spout facing down. turn the vent cap cunter-clockwise to vent. push button to dispense. 2. pre-treat for best results. wet fabric and apply detergent onto tough spots and stains. rub gently, wait 5-10 minutes then wash as directed. always test an inside seam for colorfastness. 3. fill to the top of line a for medium loads. for large or heavily soiled loads, fill cap to 1/2 capful. - directions: directions: 1. place container on its side with the spout facing down. turn the vent cap cunter-clockwise to vent. push button to dispense. 2. pre-treat for best results. wet fabric and apply detergent onto tough spots and stains. rub gently, wait 5-10 minutes then wash as directed. always test an inside seam for colorfastness. 3. fill to the top of line a for medium loads. for large or heavily soiled loads, fill cap to 1/2 capful.

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