Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rose Wine, 2020 (750 ml)
Safeway (22350 S Sterling Blvd)
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For a wine that looks as lovely as it tastes, grab a bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle Rosé Wine. This dry, elegant-style Rosé wine is made from a specific blend of Syrah grapes and other select reds from the Columbia Valley and has a beautiful pale pink color that's sure to make it stand out among your table setting. The light-bodied Rosé wine offers bright aromas of watermelon, raspberry and lemon, along with flavors of wild strawberry, citrus zest and hints of melon that are soft and flavorful on the palate with a long crisp finish. With its lively taste, the Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rosé is equally enjoyable as a sipping wine on its own as a pairing with a variety of foods. Pour a glass as a delightful accompaniment to light pasta and rice dishes, grilled fish or a wide array of cheeses. Raise a glass of this refreshing dry Rosé to embrace a good time, or simply to toast sunshine and friends. A bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rosé wine is 750 mL and has 13% ABV. Since 1967, the dedicated winemakers at Chateau Ste. Michelle have transformed the finest grapes into some of the most spectacular wines in the world. At Chateau Ste. Michelle, the experience of Washington State’s inviting elegance and sophistication is in everything we do. Championing craftsmanship and creativity to provide a sense of wonder in every bottle. Chateau Ste. Michelle winery owns 3,500 acres in the Columbia Valley of eastern Washington, including Horse Heaven, Canoe Ridge Estate and Cold Creek vineyards. • Alcohol by volume: 13% • 2020 • Chateau ste. michelle, Paterson,WA,USA • Packaging: Reusable
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Can I order Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rose Wine with Uber Eats?
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How do I order Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rose Wine near me?
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Can I order Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Rose Wine from anywhere in my city?
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How late can I get my order delivered?
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