$0 Delivery Fee and reduced Service Fee (up to 30% off) on eligible orders
Earn 5% back on rides and get access to top-rated drivers*
Access to periodic member-only promos and special items
Cancel anytime without additional fees
Save A$24 every month
Amount you could save based on average savings of members in your country from promos and member pricing.
Service Fee applies to $0 Delivery Fee orders. Delivery benefits available only for eligible stores showing the Uber One icon. $20 minimum order (excluding fees) to receive delivery benefits (including $0 Delivery Fee) from participating restaurants, $40 minimum order for eligible grocery and other stores. Minimum order requirements will apply separately to bundled or add on secondary orders, to the extent these features are available in your market. Service Fee discount is visible at checkout and varies depending on basket value. Service Fee discount does not apply to the portion of the order paid with Uber One credits, high value orders where the Service Fee cap has been reached or grocery orders packed by Delivery People. 5% Uber One credits on rides will expire after 60 days and will not apply to the portion of payment made with Uber One credits. Uber One credits will apply as a discount to the price of the ride before the application of any promotions. Top-rated drivers may not be available for every ride. Avoid incurring the charge for the next billing cycle by cancelling in app 48 hours before your billing date or contacting support. Uber One benefits do not apply outside the country of purchase.View terms and conditions.