
GoldFin 過門香 新橋店 GoldFin Kamonka Shinbashi

東京都港区新橋1-15-5, ペルサ4階, Tokyo, 100

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メニュー Menu

月曜日 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM

  • 食事 Meals

    • よだれ鶏弁当 Mouthwatering Chicken
      その昔、中国では「あまりの美味しさによだれが出る」ことから名づけられたといわれている料理。柔らかしっとりに仕上げた蒸し鶏のもも肉に、真っ赤な旨辛タレをかけた冷菜。焼売、ザーサイ付き。 This dish was named long ago in China, said to be so delicious, just thinking about it makes your mouth water. This cold dish features moist, tender chicken thighs drizzled with a vivid red spicy sauce.
    • 五目あんかけ弁当 Mixed Meat & Veg with Starchy Sauce Bento Box
      海鮮・豚肉・彩り野菜がバランス良く入った中華あんかけは、広東風のあっさり仕上げ。 A light, well-balanced Canton-style dish dish featuring shrimp, squid, pork and colorful vegetables with a Chinese starchy sauce.
    • 海老チリソース弁当 Shrimps in Chili Sauce Bento Box
      プリプリの大海老に、専門店ならではの本格チリソースが絶品。 Enjoy large, tender, meaty shrimps in an authentic dish of chili shrimp. You can only get flavor like this from a specialist.
    • 五目炒飯 Mixed Fried Rice
      お米一粒一粒を玉子でコーティングし、強火で一気にあおる職人技の炒飯は冷めてもパラパラ、中ふっくら。 It takes a master to create fried rice like this, quickly cooked over a high heat, every grain of rice coated in egg. This fluffy and crumbly rice remains just as delicious even when cooled.
    • 海鮮五目焼きそば Mixed Seafood Yakisoba
      麺の表面にパリッと焼き目をつけた香ばしさが、食感のアクセントに。贅沢に使用した大振りの海鮮具材と、あっさり広東ベースのとろみあんが、品よく素材の味を引き立てます。 The noodles are perfectly cooked to make them crisp on the surface and wonderfully aromatic. They are accompanied by lavish amounts of large seafood ingredients, with a light but thick, gooey sauce that draws out the ingredients' flavors.
    • 麻婆豆腐丼 Mabo dofu donburi
      麻辣の辛さ、肉味噌の旨味、豆腐が三位一体の旨辛麻婆豆腐がご飯と見事な相性。過門香のランチタイムで1位2位を争う人気の麻婆豆腐ごはん。 The heat of mala, savoriness of meat miso, and soft tofu are a golden combination, coming together to create a spicy and delicious mapo tofu that's perfect for enjoying with rice. One of our most popular lunchtime dishes.
    • 辣子鶏弁当 Chili Chicken Bento Box
      鶏肉が隠れるほどの四川唐辛子と四川山椒で香りよく炒めた四川料理。 焼売、ザーサイ付き。This aromatic Sichuan-style dish of stir-fried chicken is made with enough Sichuan chili and Japanese pepper to completely coat the chicken.
    • 酢豚弁当 Sweet & Sour Pork Bento Box
      食べやすい一口大サイズの豚肉と野菜に、芳醇な香りとコクのある“秘伝”黒酢ソースをあわせた逸品。焼売、ザーサイ付き。 A superb, easy-to-eat dish made with bitesize pieces of pork and vegetables in our aromatic and deeply flavorful secret black vinegar sauce.
    • 油淋鶏弁当 Chinese-Style Fried Chicken Bento Box
      サクッとジューシーに揚げた銘柄鶏の唐揚げに、醤油ベースのあっさりとした薬味ソースが染みた逸品。焼売、ザーサイ付き。 Delightful dish of crisp, juicy fried chicken served a light, soy sauce-based herb sauce.
    • 青椒肉絲弁当 Meat & Green Pepper Stir-Fry Bento Box
      銘柄牛肉とピーマンの炒め。オイスターソース味の中華の定番。強火で炒め美味しさを逃さず、シャキシャキの仕上がり。 焼売、ザーサイ付き。Stir-fry of branded beef, peppers, and bamboo shoots, seasoned with oyster sauce for that classic Chinese flavor. The ingredients are quickly stir-fried over a high heat to preserve their flavor and crisp textures.
    • 蟹肉と青菜のチャーハン(Fried Rice with Crab Meat & Green Vegetables)
    • 揚州式五目黒チャーハン(Yang zhou style Fried Rice)
    • ごはん
  • 逸品 Finest Dishes

    • 麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu
      数々のメディアに取り上げらる「過門香」の看板メニュー。四川重慶本場の味を継承した麻と辣の痺れる辛さと複雑なスパイスを駆使した奥深い味わいが特徴。山椒の香りが食欲を刺激する自慢の逸品。塩味を抑え、旨味を極めた、過門香の新しい「麻婆豆腐」。 Our signature item, featured in the media many times. The characteristic, authentic flavor of Chongqing, Sichuan, is created with the tingly heat of mala and a complex mix of spices, giving it great depth. The aromatic Japanese pepper in this pride-and-joy dish of ours is sure to rouse your appetite. Made for the ultimate depth and savoriness without being salty, this is Kamonka's new mapo tofu.
    • 酢豚 Sweet & Sour Pork
      食べやすい一口大サイズの豚肉と野菜に、芳醇な香りとコクのある“秘伝”黒酢ソースをあわせた逸品。 A superb, easy-to-eat dish made with bitesize pieces of pork and vegetables in our aromatic and deeply flavorful secret black vinegar sauce.
    • 海老チリソース(4尾) Shrimps in Chili Sauce
      中国料理の中でもっとも親しまれている海老料理。プリプリの大きな海老に絡む豆板醤のピリっとした甘辛ソースが絶品。 This is the most familiar of China's shrimp dishes. It features large, tender shrimps mixed through with a sweet and spicy sauce made with broad bean chili paste.
    •  国産牛のチンジャオロース(Stir-fried Beef & Peppers)
    • 鶏肉の香味揚げ油淋ソース(Deep-fried Chicken with Spicy Vinegar Sauce)
      油 淋 鶏
    • 鶏肉の四川唐辛子炒め(Stir-fried Chicken with Sichuan Hot Pepper)
    • 白身魚のチリソース(Chongqing Style Braised white Fish with Chilli Sauce)
  • 人気料理2種盛り合わせ

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