海鮮屋が作る金のお茶漬け 橘通西3丁目2号店
宮崎県宮崎市橘通西3-1-24, Miyazaki, 880-0001
Uber Eats で営業時間外毎日
13:00 - 15:00 • 終日 All Day
17:00 - 23:00 • 終日 All Day
🎉海鮮屋が作る金のお茶漬け🎉 人気のお茶漬け No.5!
- 博多名物・ごまカンパチ丼茶漬け Hakata Famous Sesame and Greater Amberjack Ochazuke Rice Bowl博多の郷土料理、ごまカンパチをお茶漬けにして風味豊かに。カンパチの歯ごたえと旨みを堪能できる贅沢なお茶漬けです。
We took sesame great amberjack, a dish local to Hakata, and turned it into ochazuke! Please enjoy its wonderful texture and flavor! - 【No.1】金の鯛茶漬け Gold sea bream chazuke脂がしっかりのっている真鯛に、真鯛の出汁で真鯛の味そのものを活かしたお茶漬けです。
A serving of ochazuke that is bursting with delicious red sea bream flavor from the fatty pieces of fish and the red sea bream broth! - 【No.3】いくらとサーモンの北海茶漬け Salmon roe and salmon in Hokkai chazukeサーモンといくらの濃厚な組み合わせ!当店人気のボリューム満点お茶漬けです。
A rich combination of salmon and salmon roe! Our popular voluminous Ochazuke. - 釜揚げしらすと梅干しの冷やし茶漬け Kamaage shirasu and umeboshi chilled chazukeほどよい酸味とまろやかな味が絶妙の梅干しはお茶漬けにピッタリ!ふんわりふっくら釜揚げしらすとの相性バッチリです。
Umeboshi, which has a moderate acidity and mellow taste, is perfect for ochazuke! It goes perfectly with the fluffy and fluffy shirasu.
- 博多発・ごまカンパチ Hakata's Original Sesame Great Amberjack博多の郷土料理、ごまカンパチの歯ごたえと旨みを堪能できる逸品です。
Sesame great amberjack is a dish that is local to Hakata and has a wonderful texture and flavor that you can enjoy to your heart's content.
金のお茶漬け Seafood Shop's Golden Ochazuke- 真鯛とカンパチの2色丼茶漬け Red Sea Bream and Great Amberjack Duo Ochazuke Rice Bowl脂がしっかりのっていて身が締まった真鯛と歯ごたえ旨みたっぷりカンパチの二色のお茶漬けです。
A serving of ochazuke made with delicious, fatty red sea bream and toothsome great amberjack. - 博多名物・ごまカンパチ丼茶漬け Hakata Famous Sesame and Greater Amberjack Ochazuke Rice Bowl博多の郷土料理、ごまカンパチをお茶漬けにして風味豊かに。カンパチの歯ごたえと旨みを堪能できる贅沢なお茶漬けです。
We took sesame great amberjack, a dish local to Hakata, and turned it into ochazuke! Please enjoy its wonderful texture and flavor! - 【No.1】金の鯛茶漬け Gold sea bream chazuke脂がしっかりのっている真鯛に、真鯛の出汁で真鯛の味そのものを活かしたお茶漬けです。
A serving of ochazuke that is bursting with delicious red sea bream flavor from the fatty pieces of fish and the red sea bream broth! - 焼鮭といくらの親子茶漬け Grilled Salmon and Salmon Roe Ochazuke香ばしい焼鮭といくらのプチプチ感が堪らない。存在感バッチリの焼鮭といくらの親子茶漬けです。
This irresistible combination of fragrant grilled salmon and popping salmon roe that makes for an impressive ochazuke rice bowl! - 【No.3】いくらとサーモンの北海茶漬け Salmon roe and salmon in Hokkai chazukeサーモンといくらの濃厚な組み合わせ!当店人気のボリューム満点お茶漬けです。
A rich combination of salmon and salmon roe! Our popular voluminous Ochazuke. - 博多めんたい高菜茶漬け Hakata Pollack Roe and Mustard Greens Ochazuke博多といえば明太子!香り立つ明太子のお茶漬けは旨みが押し寄せて箸が止まりません!
When you think of Hakata, pollack roe has to come to mind! The fragrant pollack roe and rich ochazuke is a combination that is sure to keep your chopsticks moving! - 北海ホタテといくら丼茶漬け North Sea Scallop and Salmon Roe Ochazuke Rice Bowl旨みたっぷりホタテといくらの濃厚な甘さが堪能できる贅沢なお茶漬けです。
A luxurious ochazuke made with plenty of delicious scallops and salmon roe to give it a rich sweetness.
🍺の〆にさらっと「冷やし茶漬け」Chilled Ochazuke
- 釜揚げしらすとしその冷やし茶漬け Boiled Whitebait and Shiso Chilled Ochazukeふんわりふっくら釜揚げしらすに香りのよいシソを添えて、素材の良さをしっかり堪能できるお茶漬けです。
A serving of ochazuke made with plump boiled whitebait and wonderfully fragrant shiso that truly shows the strengths of each ingredient. - 釜揚げしらすと梅干しの冷やし茶漬け Kamaage shirasu and umeboshi chilled chazukeほどよい酸味とまろやかな味が絶妙の梅干しはお茶漬けにピッタリ!ふんわりふっくら釜揚げしらすとの相性バッチリです。
Umeboshi, which has a moderate acidity and mellow taste, is perfect for ochazuke! It goes perfectly with the fluffy and fluffy shirasu. - 釜揚げしらすといくらの冷やし茶漬け Boiled Whitebait and Salmon Roe Chilled Ochazuke甘み旨みたっぷりのいくらとふんわりふっくら釜揚げしらすは好相性!箸が止まらない逸品です。
This irresistible dish is made with plenty of sweet, delicious salmon roe and plump boiled whitebait to create an incredible combination of flavors that is sure to keep your chopsticks moving!
海鮮屋の粋な逸品 Seafood Shop's Refined Gems
- 博多発・ごまカンパチ Hakata's Original Sesame Great Amberjack博多の郷土料理、ごまカンパチの歯ごたえと旨みを堪能できる逸品です。
Sesame great amberjack is a dish that is local to Hakata and has a wonderful texture and flavor that you can enjoy to your heart's content. - 真鯛のなめろう Red Sea Bream Tartar真鯛、味噌、薬味などが一体に。真鯛の旨味と爽やかな薬味がきいた逸品です。
A delicious dish made with red sea bream that is seasoned with miso, and condiments that give it a refreshing flavor. - おつまみ高菜 Snack Mustard Greens独特な旨みとシャキシャキ食感でやみつきになる高菜です。
Mustard greens with a unique, yet incredibly addictive flavor and crunchy texture.
✨こだわりの出汁 Carefully Selected Broths
- 黄金の真鯛出汁 Golden Red Seabream Broth新鮮な鯛から取った濃厚な風味の鯛だしです。
A rich broth made with fresh red sea bream. - ごまだれ出汁 Sesame Brothごまの深い味わいを活かした、まろやか濃厚出汁です。
A mild, rich broth that makes the most of the complex flavor of sesame.
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