広島お好み 鉄板でげ
東京都渋谷区神山町17-1, 第2渡辺ビル1F, Tokyo, 150-0047
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
12:00 - 22:00 • 週末 Weekend
11:30 - 14:00 • ランチ Lunch
17:00 - 22:00 • ディナー Dinner
水曜日 - 金曜日
17:00 - 22:00 • ディナー Dinner
12:00 - 22:00 • 週末 Weekend
お好み焼き Okonomiyaki
- 海鮮スペシャル(イカ・エビ&カキorホタテ) Seafood Special (Squid, Shrimp and Oysters or Scallops)海からの贈り物を贅沢に! Enjoy the presents from the sea!
- 肉玉(そばorうどん) Meat Okonomiyaki (Noodles or Udon)お好み焼きの定番人気! A classic popular okonomiyaki!
- でげ焼き(大葉・ネギ・目玉焼き乗せ) Degeyaki (Topped with Perilla, Spring Onion and a Fried Egg)当店一番人気!! Our most popular item!
- 焦がしネギマヨ Chargrilled Spring Onion Mayonnaise炙って酸味を飛ばしたマヨとネギは絶品! Flame-grilled mayonnaise and spring onion to get rid of the tart flavors! Delicious!
- 肉玉(そば・うどん無し) Meat Okonomiyaki (Without Noodles or Udon)おかずになります! Perfect as a main!
- イカ玉(そばorうどん) Squid Okonomiyaki (Noodles or Udon)イカ好きには! Perfect for squid lovers!
たちまち(とりあえず、という意味。) For Starters
- 広島名物スジポン(牛すじのポン酢煮込み) Hiroshima Specialty Sujipon (Beef Sinew and Ponzu Stewed Together)とろとろに煮込んだ牛すじは最高! The melting beef sinew is simply delicious!
逸品 A La Carte
- とん平焼き Tonpeiyaki豚肉と玉子のコラボ! The perfect collaboration between pork and eggs!
- 広島名物がんす焼き Hiroshima Specialty Gansuyakiタラのすり身を鉄板揚げ! Grilled cod surimi.
焼きそば・焼きうどん Yakisoba/Yakiudon
- 広島焼きそば(イカ天入り) Hiroshima Yakisoba (Comes with Squid Tempura)どっさりネギがたまらない! Lots of spring onion!
- 焼きそば Yakisobaボリュームたっぷり! Plenty to fill you up with!
- 焼きうどん Yakiudonボリュームたっぷり! Plenty to fill you up with!
サラダ Salads
- 厚切りベーコンのシーザーサラダ Caesar Salad with Thickly-Cut Bacon特製シーザードレッシングでどうぞ! Enjoy our special caesar salad!
麺類 Noodle Dishes
- 汁なし担々麺 Tantan Noodles Without Soup広島新名物!花椒&唐辛子で痺れる辛さが特徴!! Hiroshima's new specialty! Well known for its numbing spiciness of the peppers and chili.
Can I order 広島お好み 鉄板でげ delivery on Uber Eats?
広島お好み 鉄板でげ is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 広島お好み 鉄板でげ that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 渋谷区.
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Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 渋谷区 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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