ラパンキッチン lapinkitchen
576 Fujisawa, 林ビル 1F, Fujisawa-Shi, Kanagawa 251-0052
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
月曜日 - 土曜日
10:00 - 12:30
弁当 Bento Boxes
- 唐揚げ・焼肉弁当 Fried Chicken & Grilled Meat Bento Boxジューシーな国産鶏モモ唐揚げ2個と甘辛く炒めた豚焼肉のガッツリお肉の入った食べ応えのあるお弁当です。 Hearty and meaty bento box with 2 pieces of locally-sourced fried chicken thigh, and sweet & spicy stir-fried pork.
- チキン・鮭弁当 Chicken & Salmon Bento Boxお弁当の定番・焼き鮭と食べ応えある国産むね肉をさっくり仕上げたチキンカツの入ったお弁当です。 Bento box with classic grilled salmon, and hearty, locally-sourced chicken breast cutlet.
- 自家製焼き豚丼 Homemade Roast Pork Rice Bowl一つ一つ丁寧に巻いて、じっくり焼き上げた後に圧力鍋で煮込んだほろほろな自家製焼き豚が5枚も入った丼です。 Rice bowl with 5 slices of homemade roast pork, each individually rolled, roasted, and cooked in a pressure cooker until tender.
お惣菜 Side Dishes
- アジフライ Horse Mackerel Tempura骨を丁寧に取り除いた食べやすいアジフライです。 骨を取る過程で半身になってしまうため、1パックにアジ1枚=半身2枚入っています。 Horse mackerel tempura with bones removed for easy eating. Fish is filleted to remove the bone, so each pack contains 1 whole fish (2 half pieces).
- 唐揚げ Fried Chickenジューシーな国産鶏モモを使用。隠し味の柚子胡椒で後味サッパリ! Made with juicy, locally-sourced chicken thigh. A refreshing aftertaste with yuzu pepper!
- チキンカツ Chicken Cutlet国産鶏ムネ肉をサクッとしたフライにしました。1枚でも食べ応えがあります! Crunchy, locally-sourced fried chicken breast. A hearty piece!
丼ぶり Rice Bowls
- 自家製焼き豚丼 Homemade Roast Pork Rice Bowl一つ一つ丁寧に巻いて、じっくり焼き上げた後に圧力鍋で煮込んだほろほろな自家製焼き豚が5枚も入った丼です。 Rice bowl with 5 slices of homemade roast pork, each individually rolled, roasted, and cooked in a pressure cooker until tender.
Can I order ラパンキッチン lapinkitchen delivery on Uber Eats?
ラパンキッチン lapinkitchen is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to ラパンキッチン lapinkitchen that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 藤沢市.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 藤沢市 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.