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ブルーボトル 羊羹 Blue Bottle Sweet Bean Jelly

京都堀川三条で60年以上続くあんこ屋「都松庵(としょうあん)」とコラボレートした、コーヒーとのペアリングの相性を考えて作られたコーヒーのための羊羹です。 あっさりとした浅練りの生地に、イチジクやくるみを入れ、さらにシナモンとコリアンダーをアクセントにした上品な味わいに仕上げています。 内容量:55g 原材料:砂糖、小豆生あん、ドライイチジク、くるみ、 プラリネ、還元水飴、あんずシラップ漬、寒天、シナモン、コリアンダー 添加物:酒精、酸味料、香料、着色料(クチナシ、ラック) ※グルテンフリー 保管場所:直射日光、高温多湿を避け涼しい場所で保管 賞味期限:製造日より1年間 This sweet bean jelly was created in a collaboration with Toshoan, a well-renowned sweet bean shop in Horikawa Sanjo, Kyoto that has been running for over 60 years. The sweet itself was designed to pair perfectly with our coffee. It has pieces of fig and walnuts mixed into it and is seasoned with cinnamon and corriander to give it a more refined touch.

Contact the store directly ONLY concerning allergen information: store phone number: 81757464453. / Note: Please contact Uber Eats Support in regards to any issues with your ongoing order. / For disclosure of merchant information in regards to the Specified Commercial Transaction Act Article 11, please contact the store or Uber Eats Support. We will be able to disclose the following information if requested: "Legal Entity Name", "Representative Name (Corporate only)", "Legal Entity Address" ,"Phone Number". For additional information please refer here.