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Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare

Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare

3.9 xStar (500+)Breakfast and brunchFast foodDesserts$Info

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Tim Hortonnes - Westonne-Super-Mare in Westonne-Super-Mare is a breakfast and brunch spot popular for its hearty meal options. With a customer rating of approximately 3.7, it offers a range of traditional and c... More
Tim Hortonnes - Westonne-Super-Mare in Westonne-Super-Mare is a breakfast and brunch spot popular for its hearty meal options. With a customer rating of approximately 3.7, it offers a range of traditional and comforting breakfast meals like the Big Breakfast Wrap Meal and Sausage and Egg Muffin Stack Meal. The menu also includes a variety of wraps, burgers, and refreshing iced drinks such as the Oreo Cookies & Cream Frappe and Iced Latte. Popular items among Uber Eats users include the Big Breakfast Wrap Meal and the Tims® Bacon Double Cheeseburger Meal, often enjoyed with an Iced Cappuccino Supreme. Less
Get it delivered to your door.
Every day

11:30 - 23:00 • Lunch/Dinner

7:00 - 11:30 • Breakfast

  • NEW! Jalapeño Range

  • NEW! Banoffee Range

  • Tims Icons and Bundles

  • Cold Drinks

  • Hot Drinks

  • Burgers and Chicken Sandwiches

  • Grilled Wraps, Melts and Chicken Tenders

  • Donuts and Timbits

  • Kids Meals

  • Tims® Savers

  • Sides and Dips

  • Bottled & Fizzy Drinks

  • Merchandise

  • Frequently asked questions

    • Yes. Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare delivery is available on Uber Eats in Weston-Super-Mare.

    • Enter your address to see if Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare delivery is available to your location in Weston-Super-Mare.

    • There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.

    • View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare here on this page.

    • To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.

    • Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.

    • If you’re in need of some suggestions for your Tim Hortons - Weston-Super-Mare order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.

    • Visit our page that lists all of the Tim Hortons stores in Weston-Super-Mare.

ALLERGIES: If you or someone you're ordering for has an allergy, please contact the merchant directly to let them know. Tim Hortons Weston-Super-Mare has a FHRS rating of 5. This information was updated on 13/01/2025. The current rating is on their page on the FSA Website. Adults need around 2000 kcal a day.