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Mr Delicious

Mr Delicious

3.5 xStar (200+)BurgersKebabWingsAmericanDessertsEuropeanPizza$Info

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84 Bury Old Road

Mr Delicious in Crumpsall, Salford, is a versatile eatery primarily known for its pizza offerings, though it presents a broad menu featuring a variety of foods. The venue is particularly popular in the evening,... More
Mr Delicious in Crumpsall, Salford, is a versatile eatery primarily known for its pizza offerings, though it presents a broad menu featuring a variety of foods. The venue is particularly popular in the evening, reflecting a customer rating of 4.2. Menu highlights include a range of pizzas, such as the Hot & Spicy Pizza and Meateor Pizza, complemented by Peri Peri Chicken and diverse burger options like the Spicy Chicken Fillet Burger. Garlic Bread with Cheese is a favoured choice among customers ordering together. Less
Get it delivered to your door.
Sunday - Thursday

15:30 - 1:30

Friday - Saturday

15:30 - 2:30


3:30 PM – 2:30 AM

ALLERGIES: If you or someone you're ordering for has an allergy, please contact the merchant directly to let them know. Mr Delicious has a FHRS rating of 5. This information was updated on 14/01/2025. The current rating is on their page on the FSA Website. Adults need around 2000 kcal a day.